Dead letter

(errou. tente aqui, agora)

"So, I guess Superman V is out, huh?

I can't get over the fuss they're making over the death of Christopher Reeve. It's like he was some kind of Saint. They talk about how tirelessly he worked to get funding for research to cure paralysis. I'm sorry, but am I the only one who notices that he might have had a little something to gain if all of this hard work paid off? The man was a human doorstop. If Christopher Reeve had fallen off his horse and bounced back up unharmed, and then decided to devote his life to curing paralysis- then I would be impressed. If Christopher Reeve became paralyzed, and then devoted his life to finding a cure for world hunger, cancer, or blindness - then I would think that this guy was pretty heroic.

Believe me, if I had an accident and my penis was turned inside out so that every time I took a piss it came out my nose, you'd better believe I'd spend some time looking for the cure for inside out penisitis. I think I would discover I had a real passion for it that I was previously unaware of.

Do you want to know who you should look up to? Me. Because every day I put up with an ocean of shit from small minded idiots and big corporations who want me to shut up and go away. Well it's not going to happen. Not until they pry this keyboard from my cold dead hands. And that's not easy. I got this keyboard by prying it out of some other guy's cold dead hands and it was tough. I had to break all of his fingers. I'm just kidding. He wasn't really dead.

Outros pontos de vista from hell aqui. E, antes de cadastrar-se para recebê-los:

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Faltam apenas para o seu mais espetacular acerto de contas contigo mesmo.
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